Tag Archives: stone cold steve austin

Remembering WWF

When someone told me that WWF (now WWE) was all acts & stunts, I felt like a kid who just found out for the first time that Santa Claus is not real. Before NBA, I was a huge fan of WWF. Before learning tennis and football, WWF was my first “sports” love. (Others won’t consider it a sport, but that’s another story) I can’t speak of how it is now since I don’t watch WWE anymore, but I can still remember how awesome it was before. Yes, I got turned off knowing it is not what they make you think it is. But i guess that’s just part of growing up, once you know the real deal, no matter how much you love it, everything won’t be the same anymore.

Anyhow, remembering the good old days, here are my favorite (WWF) wrestlers of all time:

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin


Beer-drinking, husky voice, badass Texas rattlesnake – Steven James William also known as Stone Cold Steve Austin is my no. 1 favorite wrestler ever! He doesn’t really have to try hard. From his entrance to the way he fight, you would notice the “I don’t give a damn” attitude. He’s rude but people still love him anyway.  Too bad he’s not active in wrestling anymore. How I wish WWE fans today could see him back again.

Finishing Move: Stone Cold Stunner

2.  The Rock


The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is undeniably one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. Before he became the Scorpion King, The Rock was already a big name in WWF. He’s pretty arrogant but in a good way. Known for his mic skills, catchphrases and undying charisma – he gives absolute entertainment to us, wrestling fans. No wonder he landed lead roles in a number of Hollywood movies already  – you can actually catch him on the big screen again later this month in the movie G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

Finishing Move: The Rock Bottom and People’s Elbow

3. Chris Benoit (1967 – 2007)


I used to really idolize Chris Benoit because he was one of those wrestlers who didn’t have that much gimmick or drama in WWF. For me, he was just a good athlete/wrestler. No fancy taglines or acts, he just shows up in the ring with his mad skills and stunts. Turned out that “the drama” was really happening in his real life. His death shocked and intrigued all wrestling fans. And it’s really sad that the tragedy of his death will be remembered along with all the amazing things he did in WWF/WWE.

Know more about Chris Benoit’s double murder and suicide case: http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/chris-benoits-dad-son-suffered-severe-brain-damage/story?id=11471875

Finishing move: Crippler Crossface

4. The Hardy Boyz

Matt y Jeff Hardy Hardy Boyz return WWE

Talk about high-flying stunts, TLC (tables, ladders and chairs) matches – Matt and Jeff Hardy known as The Hardy Boyz or Team Extreme were tag team stars in WWF. Their dare-devil persona allowed them to create memorable moments in and out of the ring.

5. D- Generation X


Love them or hate them. For a lack of a better term, they were “the real assholes of WWF”. Combine Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Rick Rude, Road Dogg and Chyna with the tag team New Age Outlaws, Tori and X-pac  – it was the controversial group that brought craziness and hell in the WWF scene.  They broke the rules, acted and spoke as they pleased no matter how provocative and insulting.


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